[ Analysis ] Justice for Sushant Singh Rajput Movement
An analysis about the justice for Sushant Singh Rajput movement, and trends related to Sushant Singh Rajput.
As the saying goes,
The pen is mightier than the sword ~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1839)
Anyway, you can read: About The Boycott Bollywood Movement,
for the context and better understanding about the justice for Sushant Singh Rajput sir movement which got started on June 14, 2020.
Now, let's dive into some data, facts, figures and information.
November 14, 2022
Priyanka Singh di, sister of Sushant Singh Rajput sir started an online petition for a time bound investigation and made an appeal to the people to sign the same.

You can support this online petition by signing the same (link: Time Bound Fast Track Investigation of Sushant Singh Rajput Case need of the hour). This will take few seconds.
Around December 07, 2022 - to - December 14, 2022

Timeframe: 14 Hours | Impressions: 1,088,618 (one million eighty-eight thousand six hundred eighteen) | Reach: 252,757 | For the tweet counts: Randomly mixed 1000 tweets.
Also, check this.
Timeframe: 5 minutes | Impressions: 107,141 | Reach: 37,837 | For the tweet counts: Randomly mixed 77 tweets.
It is noteworthy that even after more than 910 days—that is, approximately more than 2 years, 5 months, and 27 days—since the demise of Sushant Singh Rajput sir, the Justice for Sushant Singh Rajput sir movement is still much alive, just because of the powerful soul of Sushant Singh Rajput sir, dedicated family members of Sushant Singh Rajput sir, selfless SSRians (aka SSR warriors), and good people.
To be continued… (I will keep adding more data, reports, and information).
Thank you for reading this report and giving your precious time. I am really grateful to you for the same.
Kind Regards,
With love for data science,